
A Minecraft Mod to create a collaborative game that teaches key stage 2 maths


View the Project on GitHub TosinAF/EduCraft


The EduCraft project is concerned with developing a series of extensions for the popular computer game Minecraft, aimed at promoting collaborative learning in primary schools, particularly with reference to numeracy education.

Why is EduCraft Needed?

As a game Minecraft is currently very popular with a wide range of age groups including the 8 to 11 age range. At this stage in their development one of the most important learning outcomes that are sort is the ability to learn collaboratively.

It is difficult for children to understand the reason for collaboration when so much of what they do is competitive but in a lot of situations learning can be much more effective if done collaboratively.

Survival & World Based Games present a naturally collaborative environment & with EduCraft we plan to leverage this environment in order to create a learning tool to teach Key Stage 2 Maths & the advantages of collaboration.

EduCraft is being developed as a mod for the Minecraft game (using Minecraft Forge) to create an environment in which players can only progress by collaborating with others. The source for the project can be viewed here

Weekly Backups of the codebase are stored on this site.

Group Roles

Project Leader - Janos Bana
Developers - Ian Knight & Eze Benson
Editor - Tosin Afolabi
Level Designer - Ying Wang
Testing - Ali Kerr